Red Puzzle Designs - Fierce Impact Media - Affordable Professional WordPress Web Design

Our History

We are a collaborative team of female business professionals that have spent thousands of dollars on web designers and developers to learn we had no control over content management or our web presence. After many challenges and tremendous frustration, we developed Red Puzzle Designs, our flagship web-design company over fifteen years ago, to build affordable WordPress(CMS) websites for ourselves and our business associates on a referral basis only.


With our expansion under Fierce Impact Media Group and our collaborative partnerships with D’Vacor Graphics, and Strive Publishing dba Courageous Woman Magazine, we now can provide you with the same professional services we have offered our private clients at even more economical price points.

Red Puzzle Designs - Fierce Impact Media - Affordable Professional WordPress Web Design

Collectively, with our collaborative partners, we provide you with over 46 years of digital design, branding, publishing, and event management experience. We are strategically prepared to assist you in meeting the challenges of a quickly evolving digital environment.

Our Mission

To provide our clients with economical options for WordPress web design with immediate control of their intellectual property upon launch.

Our Goal

To strategically put all the puzzle pieces in place to creatively develop front-end WordPress websites with the same passion that we built our own.

RPD Partners

We Connect the Puzzle Pieces

Dr. Diva Verdun - Red Puzzle Designs - Fierce Impact Media - Affordable Professional WordPress Web Design

Dr. Diva Verdun

CEO - Fierce Impact Media Group

Red Puzzle Designs - Fierce Impact Media - Affordable Professional WordPress Web Design

Rose Lyles

CEO - D'Vacor Graphics & Events

Red Puzzle Designs - Fierce Impact Media - Affordable Professional WordPress Web Design

Pilar Webster

Client Engagement Officer

What Our Clients Are Saying

I'm So Grateful!

“My site is so outstanding it makes me cry. You are fabulous and everything that was in my head you have brilliantly placed on the site. It is wonderful to know that there is someone like you that is not only imaginative but listens and cares to give other creators what they need and so desire with your talents. I am so grateful!!!.”

Producer / Actress
Jules Dean
Creative and Knowledgable

“Diva is one of the most creative web developers I have ever worked with. She has such great knowledge and doesn't try to sell you things that you don't need for the website. Her experience in web development and web design, I found was much more than some others out there. I have had my website up and running since 2012. Thank you Dr. Diva.”

CEO - Life Lifters Int'l
Tracey Holcomb
Attention to Detail

“I love RPD and their team. They have a real heart for listening to my concept and making it a creative masterpiece. I love my site, and I love Diva and her team. Thank you so much!.”

Antiques Dealer
Canalia Robinson



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